Ants on a bathroom floor

Ants are one of the hardest pests to keep out of your home if you’re not taking the right steps to get rid of them. If you’ve had ants in the house before, you know that they’re capable of coming back strong even when you think you’ve gotten rid of all of them. So, what is it that makes ants so persistent?

Because ants come from large and ever-growing colonies, you need to constantly stay on top of your ant prevention measures in order to keep them from hounding your home for resources. Looking for advice on conducting your own ant control? Read on to learn from the experts at Vermont Pest Control!

Why Does My DIY Ant Control Fail?

The problem with the ant control strategies that we usually turn to when we find an infestation is that they fail to address how ants work. Usually, people tell us that they squashed their ants or sprayed them with some sort of chemical ant control solution. These approaches will most likely only delay or worsen your problem. This is because ants release a pheromone signal when they die to warn other ants of an area to avoid. After sensing this, their colony members will change their route into your home. This shouldn’t be a problem for them, because ants are small and sneaky enough to find plenty of different ways inside!

Ant Control Strategies That Really Work

If getting rid of the ant trail in your home won’t fix your problem, what can you do to keep ants out of your home? We recommend taking these three approaches:

  • Find their access point: If you can follow the ant trail in your home back to the point they’re entering your house from, you can block it off with a silicone-based caulk seal, a screen, or whatever the surrounding material calls for.
  • Remove food and water access: Ants are probably trailing into your home because they have found a reliable source of food or moisture. By cleaning up spills, storing your food properly, and keeping your home well-ventilated, you can prevent ants from finding easily accessible nourishment.
  • Team up with a pro: If you can’t trace your ant trail all the way back to its source, a trained ant exterminator can. Getting rid of the anthills on your property is the only way to ensure ants never come back.

Expert Home Ant Extermination in Vermont

If you’re tired of dealing with ants in your house in Vermont, it’s time to team up with your local ant exterminators. The professionals at Vermont Pest Control are familiar with every common ant species in the state. We can find all active nests and colonies on your property, seal off entry points to prevent any further invasion, and teach you how to prevent infestations yourself. For a free quote, contact us today!

Why Can’t I Keep Ants Out in Vermont?

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