Rodent infestations are dangerous, destructive, and downright frustrating. As soon as you notice the signs of rats or mice in your property, it’s important to call a rodent exterminator. Store-bought traps and rodent control products may work temporarily, but long-term rodent control requires the assistance of a professional.
At Vermont Pest Control, we know how distressing a rodent infestation can be. Our rodent removal process ensures you and your family are safe from invading rats and mice year-round!
Do You Need Rodent Extermination?
There are two main reasons why a professional rodent control company is needed to get rid of rat or mouse problems: they are destructive and carriers of dangerous bacteria.
- When rodents get into your cabinets, they can contaminate your food by leaving behind urine and feces.
- Rodents are infamous for carrying diseases and pathogens.
- It’s also possible for people in your family to have allergic reactions such as hives or asthma attacks.
- Rats’ incisors never stop growing, so they are driven to continually gnaw on things inside your home.
- A rodent can chew through just about anything, including some kinds of metal, most kinds of wood, and even wires, which can potentially create a fire hazard.
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DIY Rodent Control
When it comes to getting rid of rodents, many people assume store-bought products or all-natural deterrents will work. Some of the supposed all-natural rodent treatments include peppermint oil, crushed peppers or onions, mothballs, dryer sheets, and more. While some of these may work to deter rodents in the first place, they are not a long-term solution in controlling active infestations. For this reason, it’s always important to enlist the help of a rats and mice exterminator for full-service rodent extermination.
Vermont’s Expert Rodent Exterminators
As soon as you notice the signs of rodents—foul odors, droppings, or gnawed-through wires—it’s time to call the rodent exterminators at Vermont Pest Control. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, you can trust our rats and mice exterminators will thoroughly inspect your home for rodents and make sure they never return.
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