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What Attracts Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are attracted to shady, swampy areas that provide them relief from the sun as well as a source of stagnant water. They will seek out sources of still water wherever they can find it in your own backyard.

When feeding, mosquitoes are attracted to your blood, your breath, your scent, and even your blood type. It is still a mystery why some people tend to be “mosquito magnets”, but mosquitoes will gladly feed when given the opportunity.

What attracts mosquitoes in Middletown Springs, VT - Vermont Pest Control

Why Are Mosquitoes in My Backyard?

It can be surprising to find hoards of mosquitoes in your backyard. How did they get there in the first place? In the spring and summer in Vermont, mosquitoes will be drawn to a number of areas in your yard. Most commonly, mosquitoes can be found near bird baths, gardens, ponds, play sets, gutters, pools, spas, and more. If they are able to locate standing water, they will happily use it to lay their eggs within. Mosquitoes are especially abundant in the warmer months of the year, which is why you’ll likely notice a flux in activity in the spring and summertime.

Why Am I A Magnet for Mosquitoes?

Whether you always suffer from mosquito bites or you know someone who is a mosquito magnet, it can be confusing with these pests bother some people more than others. There are three main things that mosquitoes are attracted to:

  1. Blood. We all possess the one thing mosquitoes need to survive: blood! Mosquitoes use their piercing proboscis to pierce our skin and suck the blood up. But are mosquitoes more attracted to people based on blood type? Researchers have demonstrated that, yes, individuals with Type O blood may be more susceptible to bites than those with Type A. In addition, scientists have concluded that genetic make-up can account for many of the factors that make someone more prone to mosquito bites.
  2. Breath. Female mosquitoes possess long antennae and organs that are able to sense odor. These parts are attuned to carbon dioxide, which is produced when someone exhales. A high concentration of carbon dioxide can be detected by mosquitoes more than 150 feet away. This accounts for the initial attraction to humans nearby.
  3. Scent. Research has shown that mosquitoes are more attracted to certain scents. Substances like uric acid, lactic acid, and ammonia released from the glands in your skin can attract mosquitoes. Those that have a higher body temperature or perspire more often are attractive to mosquitoes. Even floral fragrances and perfumes worn can be attractive to these insects.

Get Rid of Mosquito Attractants

The key to staying safe from mosquitoes is to learn what attracts them in the first place. By limiting the things in your yard that may draw mosquitoes to your property, you can keep safe from mosquitoes. Contact your local mosquito exterminator for help making your yard less attractive to mosquitoes before mosquito season each year.

What Attracts Mosquitoes? in Vermont

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