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Pest Control and Exterminators in Bristol

Suburban homes on a residential street - Keep pests away from your home with Vermont Pest Control in Middletown Springs, VT

Exterminators in Bristol

Bristol, a vibrant town with a strong sense of community, features attractions like the Bristol Falls and the New Haven River. Homeowners here often deal with pests such as carpenter ants and cluster flies, particularly in older homes and wooded areas. While these examples are common, a variety of other pest concerns also affect this picturesque town. Your best bet at pest-free living in Bristol is by teaming up with your local pest control experts at Vermont Pest Control. With trained and licensed exterminators that are experts in Vermont's unique pest problems, you can trust we'll keep your property safe from pests year-round. From cockroaches and ants to mosquitoes and rodents, our exterminators implement industry-leading pest control methods to keep pests away. To say goodbye to pests for good in your Bristol property, contact us today for a FREE quote!

Experienced Restaurant Pest Control Experts

In addition to home pest control services, we also offer specialized services for businesses including restaurants and foodservice establishments. Don’t let pests jeopardize your restaurant’s health and reputation. Vermont Pest Control offers top-tier restaurant pest control services to keep your food establishment safe and compliant. Our experienced team conducts detailed inspections, uses safe and effective treatments, and schedules visits for your convenience. We understand the unique challenges of the foodservice industry and are committed to preventing infestations that can lead to costly shutdowns. Choose Vermont Pest Control for reliable protection and peace of mind.

Learn More About Vermont Pest Control

Vermont Pest Control is the trusted company for pest control across the Green Mountain State, and we’ve earned that reputation by providing exceptional services over the years. When you work with us, we’ll eliminate the active infestation in your home or business – but we understand that our job doesn’t end there. We’ll provide ongoing support with exclusion tips and recommendations to ensure the pests don’t return. Is that the kind of long-term peace of mind you’re looking for? Then call Vermont Pest Control today.

Residential home with a lush green lawn - Keep pests away from your home with Vermont Pest Control in Middletown Springs, VT

Pest Control in Bristol

Addison County | Vergennes | Middlebury | Bristol | Starksboro | Piper Crossing | Farmingdale | East Middlebury | Rockville | Jerusalem | South Starksboro