Stinging Insect Season in Vermont

a wasp siting on a flower outside

There are few things worse than when stinging insects invade your outdoor space in Vermont during the warmer season. It’s enough to ruin any pool party or family get-together, but that’s far from the only social causality. Even a few moments watching the sunset over the horizon can be a moment ruined if these pests build nests and swarm around your premises, annoying and endangering your health and safety. Luckily, Vermont Pest Control is here to help.

Which Stinging Insects Can Nest and Swarm Your Yard?

Here are the common stinging insects you may encounter in Vermont:

  • Bald-faced Hornet: This large black and white wasp builds nests of paper-like material in trees, shrubs, or buildings. They are very aggressive and will attack if you disturb their nest. Their stings can cause severe pain and swelling; you need wasp prevention to avoid them.
  • Bumblebee: This bee is fuzzy and black and yellow. It nests in the ground, under decks, or in wall voids. It usually does not attack unless you provoke it, but its sting can hurt and trigger allergic reactions in some people. It pollinates plants and flowers, so you should not bother it if you can.
  • Carpenter Bee: This bee is black and yellow and makes holes in wood to nest. It looks like a bumblebee but has a shiny abdomen and a loud buzz. It seldom stings, but it can ruin wooden structures and draw woodpeckers.
  • Cicada Killer Wasp: This black and yellow wasp is huge. It catches cicadas, paralyzing them with stings. It takes them to burrow in the ground, laying eggs on them. It does not attack humans but can scare you with its size and appearance.
  • European Hornet: This is a large brown and yellow hornet. It makes nests of paper-like material in hollow trees, attics, or wall voids. It is active at night and likes lights. It stings many times and causes severe pain and swelling.
  • Honeybee: This bee is golden-brown and small. It lives in hives with other bees in colonies. It makes honey and wax and pollinates many crops and flowers. It usually does not attack unless you threaten its hive, but its sting can kill those allergic to its venom. 
  • Mud Dauber: This wasp is black or metallic blue and slender. It makes nests of mud on walls, ceilings, or eaves. It does not attack and stings rarely, but its nests can look ugly and dirty.
  • Paper Wasp: This wasp is brown or yellow and slender. It makes nests of paper that are umbrella-shaped under eaves, decks, or roofs. It is not very aggressive unless you bother it, but its sting can hurt and cause allergic reactions in some people.
  • Yellowjacket: This is a small black and yellow wasp. It makes nests in the ground, under rocks or logs, or in wall voids. It likes sugary foods and garbage and attacks easily when you disturb it. Its stings can cause severe pain and swelling. You need to call a pest control expert for yellowjacket prevention on your property.

Stinging Insect Prevention Tips

  • Seal any cracks or gaps in your walls, roof, or foundation.
  • Keep your trash cans covered and clean, and avoid leaving food or drinks outside.
  • Trim your trees and shrubs regularly, and remove any dead or decaying wood that could attract carpenter bees or hornets.
  • Avoid wearing bright colors or floral scents that could attract stinging insects.

Call a Professional Exterminator

A professional exterminator can safely remove stinging insects from your property with their expertise and tools. Vermont Pest Control offers effective stinging insect control services to protect your family from these unwanted pests. We will inspect your home for signs of stinging insect activity, identify the type of insect involved, and apply the appropriate treatment to eliminate them for good.

Mosquito Prevention: Do’s and Don’ts

A micro photo of a mosquito on a person's skin.

Summer in Vermont is a special time of year. The weather is warm during the day but nights are cool and comfortable, making it the perfect weather for many outdoor activities. While you are outside enjoying your summer barbeques, mosquitoes are also out, ruining your good time.

These uninvited party crashers don’t just leave behind their signature itchy bites; they are also known to carry a variety of diseases such as West Nile Virus, Zika Virus, and malaria. As a result, preventing these pests before they can make a meal out of you is important. Knowing which mosquito prevention methods work and which methods are just old wives’ tales can help make your efforts more successful.

A Few Do’s

When trying to keep mosquitoes out of your yard it is important to know which methods are most effective. Below are proven ways to keep mosquitoes away:

  • Remove standing water: Female mosquitoes will find even the smallest pools of standing water to lay their eggs. Make sure to empty any water out of buckets, kid toys, flowerpots, and those old tires you have stashed behind the shed. It is important to ensure your yard is water-free and inhospitable to these small flying bloodsuckers. 
  • Add mosquito netting to your doors/windows: Nothing is better than a nice summer breeze going through your home, but an open window is an invitation for mosquitoes or any other pests to enter. To keep these unwanted guests out of your home and away from your family, install mosquito netting or screens on any doors or windows you want to leave open. It will block any pests from entering your home while you enjoy the fresh summer air.
  • Add natural predators to your pond: Ponds are the perfect nursery for mosquito larvae. The best way to keep mosquitoes from multiplying in your pond is by adding natural predators. Animals like fish, tadpoles, and turtles enjoy snacking on mosquito larvae which will help keep the mosquito population in check. You can also create a welcoming habitat around your pond for mosquito hunters like birds and dragonflies.

A Few Don’ts

Battling mosquitoes in your yard can be frustrating. Don’t waste your money and add to your frustration by using the following ineffective methods of mosquito control! 

  • Bug zappers: While bug zappers can be extremely effective at eliminating many insects around your patio, they are ineffective when it comes to controlling mosquitos. Bug zappers work by emitting a light that attracts insects and then “zapping” them. Unlike many insects, mosquitoes are not attracted to light but are attracted to the carbon dioxide people exhale. These zappers can actually make your mosquito problems worse by killing insects that would normally eat mosquitoes for dinner.
  • Citronella candles: One of the most popular mosquito prevention methods is lighting a citronella candle. Citronella candles may have some effectiveness in keeping mosquitoes at bay but their range of protection is limited. They do not provide a long-term solution as they are only effective when lit. Instead of running to the store to grab citronella candles for your barbeque, consider using a proven mosquito repellant like those with DEET or picaridin. 

Professional Pest Control

Sometimes despite your best efforts, mosquitoes can win the battle over your yard. Undoubtedly, when you are ready to win the war against mosquitoes, contact the professionals at Vermont Pest Control. Our skilled technicians will help eliminate your mosquito problem and provide prevention tips for the ongoing season. With trusted help, you can enjoy your time outdoors without worrying about these annoying pests. Contact us today for a free quote and more information on our mosquito extermination services.

Houseplant Bugs?! How to Keep Them Out

Scale bugs on a household orchid plant leaf.

Houseplants can be a beautiful accent to your home décor. They act as an air purifier and replenish with oxygen. But, the addition of houseplants to your home may also mean the addition of bugs. From a Snake Plant, Bamboo Palm, English Ivy, or Spider Plant, bugs are attracted to any indoor houseplant. Houseplant bugs are not ideal, but, there are ways to deal with these added pests! Vermont Pest Control has provided the safest and most effective pest solutions for you and your home since 1991. We have identified ways that you can help rid your plants of bugs yourself.

Common Houseplant Bugs

  • Fungus Gnats – These pests make their home in the plant soil. They look a lot like fruit flies and if given the opportunity they will travel from one plant to another. Fungus Gnat larvae feed on fungus in the plant soil, which most commonly occurs while the soil is moist and/or in a humid environment. While fungus gnats will not kill the plant, they feed on the new roots, which damages your plant making them a nuisance.
  • Mealybug – Not to be confused with aphids, mealybugs are very similar. Like aphids, mealybugs feed on plant sap. They have white wooly exteriors that are caused by waxy secretions. Mealybugs are sometimes described as soft-scale insects, which means they don’t have armored scales. They can also live in the plant soil.
  • Scales – To the untrained eye, you wouldn’t identify scales as a bug because they don’t move. Some species are covered in armor-like plating, which is how they came to be named. Scales are most likely found in groups on the plant stems.
  • Spider Mites – Spider mites are so tiny they are hard to spot. They feed on leaves and green areas of your plants. Because they are nearly invisible, you sometimes won’t know your plant has them until you see the damage. Spider mite damage shows up as small brown spots on leaves.
  • Whiteflies – Though small and white like mealybugs, the whiteflies’ have wings, which allow them to fly. Both mealybugs and whiteflies suck nutrients from your plants which can leave plants damaged and yellow. Whiteflies have small triangular-shaped bodies and fly in small groups if disturbed. They leave a sticky residue that comes from their mouths while feeding, which is sweet and can attract ants.
  • Aphids – Aphids are small black, green, white or pink oval-shaped bugs. Some do have wings. They can be easier to remove as they aren’t as they don’t move around as much as mealybugs or whiteflies. Aphids also drain your plants of nutrients and if their numbers are large enough they can transmit viruses that can weaken and kill your plants. Aphids multiply quickly so it is important to get the upper hand before they are out of control.

How Do I Get Rid of Bugs on Plants?

You can identify the bugs, now how do you get rid of them? It may take a couple different routes to rid your plants of bugs.

Prevention – Before buying a new plant for your home inspect it for pests or yellowing leaves or leaves that are curling or appear to have died prematurely. If unable to inspect the plant before buying it, at least inspect it before bringing it inside your home. It is always best to err on the side of caution as bugs can travel from plant to plant and you want to protect your other plants from infestations.

Isolation – If you have a plant that is infested with a houseplant bug it is best to isolate it from the rest of your plants. This lessens the chance the bugs will spread to your uninfected plants. This especially is true if you have a plant that has scales as this pest is transmitted from plants touching one another.

Topical treatments –Some bugs, such as mealybugs, can be knocked off by rinsing the plant under a strong spray of water like in a shower or a hose. Also, you could wipe the plant off with a damp cloth.
Additionally, you can also use insecticidal soap, but make sure it is labeled for pest and plant use.
You can also use a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol and wipe down the entire plant. This rarely is a one-time application but once you think the pest population is taken care of, rinse the plant with water.

At Vermont Pest Control, we are here to provide any pest resources you may need. Contact us today for a free quote!

How Extreme Weather Can Attract Pests

Umbrella in heavy rain

Vermont is known for its long rainy season, but gray clouds aren’t the only thing we have to worry about. From flooding in the spring to heat waves in the summer, extreme weather conditions impact hundreds of homeowners and businesses each year.

Rapid weather changes can have a lot of serious consequences on your property and local environment, but there’s one problem that a lot of people overlook: increased pest activity. Sudden shifts in the climate can influence the populations and behaviors of local insects and critters, which could leave your property even more vulnerable to infestations after a storm.

How Does Weather Affect Pests?

Disruptions to normal weather patterns can significantly change pest activity. However, each species will react differently depending on how their environment changes. To understand the relationship between extreme weather and pests, let’s take a look at the main factors that can alter pest behavior:

Sudden Temperature Shifts

From life cycle to nesting habits, a lot of pest activity is closely linked to temperature. Some critters, such as insects, are also ectothermic and completely rely on their environment for warmth. For this reason, severe weather conditions that result in sharp temperature changes can cause a variety of problems such as:

  • Decrease in pest populations: Many insects, such as bumblebees, will die in freezing temperatures. Though cold weather can help reduce the presence of unwanted pests, including mosquitoes and wasps, it can also wreak havoc on the local environment by killing off beneficial species. 
  • Increased risk of infestations: Any major turn in the weather could cause pests to seek shelter and comfort… which may lead them right into your home. A cold AC fan or warm fireplace offers relief from severe temperatures, which is why so many people notice rodent or insect infestations shortly after a storm or heat wave.
  • Growth in pest populations: Mosquitoes, termites, wasps, and other cold-blooded insects thrive in hot weather. A longer and warmer summer could even extend the breeding season for some pests, which will lead to a steady increase in their populations. 
  • Heightened aggression: Extreme heat dries up the environment, which makes pests more desperate for water. In their desperation, some species – such as yellowjackets or wasps – may become more active and aggressive toward humans. 

Heavy Rains or Flooding

Flooding is one of the most common extreme weather events here in Vermont. Since flood waters can significantly alter the landscape, a serious storm could cause a sharp increase in pest activity by:

  • Destroying nests or burrows: Heavy rains and flooding may wash away nests and burrows, causing displaced pests to seek shelter elsewhere. In their search for safety, they may wander indoors, leading to more infestations. 
  • Providing a place for some pests to thrive: Many insects in our area thrive in damp environments, and even require water to breed. Pools of stagnant water left over from a flood can serve as the perfect environment for pests such as mosquitoes and flies to feed and breed, which may lead to a significant increase in their populations.


Particularly since our environment is frequently rainy and damp, a drought can have a severe impact on local pest populations. Many will die off without access to water, and those that survive will likely search for moisture wherever possible. Insects and rodents may be attracted to lawn sprinklers, leaky pipes, and anywhere else that they can find a drop of water. They also may become more aggressive as they grow increasingly desperate for moisture.

Preventing Infestations After Extreme Weather

Between property damage and health risks, pests can be a major problem. Though extreme weather conditions can increase your likelihood of experiencing an infestation, there are a few steps you can take to keep pests out: 

  • Seal up cracks and gaps leading to your home
  • Fix leaky pipes, dripping faucets, and other moisture issues
  • Store food in airtight containers and clean up crumbs
  • Properly dispose of trash in lidded bins
  • Get professional pest control

Notice signs of pests on your property? Want to ensure your home or business is weathertight and protected all year long? The experts at Vermont Pest Control can help! Since 1991, we have been a local leader in eco-conscious, effective, and long-term pest management. Our technicians are highly trained and knowledgeable of the latest pest control techniques, so we can provide you with custom solutions that are centered around your needs. To learn more or get started, give us a call for your free quote!

A New Year’s Resolution to be Pest-Free

Next to a coffee cup and smart phone, a notebook reads: New Year's Resolutions

Do you have any new year’s resolutions for 2023? The most popular resolutions for the new year often involve things like improving one’s diet or beginning an exercise regimen. If you do have any new year’s resolutions, they most likely won’t involve pest control. Maybe they should. You can reduce your chances of experiencing a pest infestation in 2023 by making a few easy changes to your daily routine. These changes are likely easier to maintain than most new year’s resolutions. Don’t misunderstand us; Vermont Pest Control is here to help if you need assistance with a pest problem. But you might be able to avoid a pest infestation entirely if you follow these recommendations.

Watch out for Clutter

Most pests choose secluded, dark, and uninhabited places to hide and build their nests. If your home is cluttered, you unintentionally make it the perfect place for pests. Roaches, mice, and bed bugs all enjoy having easy access to locations where they can feed and breed undisturbed. To avoid this, try to minimize clutter throughout your home. To assist in decluttering in the new year, think about renting a storage unit or donating unneeded items. Not only will doing this help keep pests away, but it will also make your home more orderly and functional.

Keep a Clean Kitchen

Are there any unattended foods on the counter? Are the utensils from dinner last night still in the sink? One of the things that bugs are most drawn to is food. The longer food or dirty dishes are left out, the greater the chance of attracting ants, roaches, or rodents. Your kitchen will be much less enticing to bugs and rodents if you keep dirty dishes from piling up, routinely sweep or vacuum, and properly seal and store food.

Seal up Entry Points

Pests don’t just magically appear. All of them enter homes through an opening of some kind in the exterior. So, take the time to identify and plug any potential cracks in your home’s defenses, ideally before it gets bitterly cold. Pay close attention to gaps around any electrical, gas, or water pipes, as well as windows, doors, vents, and other openings. Your home can be made even more secure against pests by inspecting your exterior doors and, if necessary, placing new weatherstripping or door sweeps on them.

Be Intentional With Firewood

Winter is a great time to cozy up with a wood fire. However, insects can be hidden in your woodpile and end up getting inside on the wood. Always inspect the wood before bringing it in to keep ants, spiders, and other pests outside. Also, only bring in logs that you intend to burn immediately. Finally, think about moving your firewood. Ideally, it should be at least 20 feet away from your home but at least it should not be leaning up against the outside of your home. By taking these steps, you can stay warm without bringing in bugs that are trying to escape the chilly weather.

Contact Vermont Pest Control

If you take these precautions and still wind up with a pest infestation in 2023, Vermont Pest Control can help. We’ve provided pest control services in Vermont since 1991. We know the pests that live here and how to get rid of them. We’ll help you become pest-free* in 2023. Want to know more and get a free quote for your household? Contact us today!

What Happens to Ticks in the Winter?

tick waiting on leaf

You know by now to look out for ticks when camping or hiking in the warmer season. So, when the weather in Vermont cools down for the winter you might think you no longer have to worry about these burrowing pests. Many pests common to the area are unable to survive in near-freezing weather, so ticks might do the same, right?

Bad news: ticks are more present throughout the winter than you have hoped. They aren’t as active as they are at the height of summer, but they can still pose a problem for homes across the state. So where do ticks go in the winter? Are ticks still a problem when it’s cold out? More importantly, what can you do to prevent these pests from getting warm and cozy on your property?

Vermont Ticks in Winter

There are 850 species of ticks, but only 90 are found in the United States. And if you look at Vermont in particular, you’ll find that there are three main varieties that pose a real problem. Ticks in Vermont include: 

  • Lone Star Ticks, with long mouthparts and a white spot on their back.
  • American Dog Ticks, the most common tick, with a darker back and smaller mouthparts.
  • Deer Ticks, identified by their bright red back and maroon head. Females are most likely to carry Lyme disease.

Each variety of tick has its own individual habits, especially when it comes to living through the cold in Vermont.

Surviving the Winter

The lone star and American dog tick are both considered overwintering pests. That means when the weather cools, they seek out a shelter to go dormant until spring. This might look like hiding under a pile of debris or burrowing deep underground to insulate themselves in soil and snow. They can still cause a problem, especially before the winter when they are the most desperate to find a host before it gets too cold.

Climate change also plays a big part in the habits of these two varieties of ticks. It’s been noted before that Vermont is warming faster in the winter than anywhere else in the United States. That means the season where ticks are most active is longer than ever before. And for varieties like the deer tick, they now have no problem being active all year long.

Ticks, just like any parasitic pest, are uncomfortable for anyone that comes across them. For the sake of safety, it’s best to be on top of any potential infestations.

Checking Your Yard for Ticks

You don’t want to wait until you find a tick burrowed into you or someone else in your household. There’s a simple test you can perform with things you already have around the home. All you need is an old shirt, a stick, and a relatively warm day.

If you attach the shirt to the stick, it mimics the leg of an animal that a tick would want to use as a host. So, if you drag the stick over the grass of your yard, you might draw out a few ticks onto the material. If you do, you can determine for certain that you need tick pest control.

Tick Extermination in Vermont

Vermont Pest Control has been working in pest control services across the entire state since 1991. Since that time, we’ve treated tick infestations of every size and variety. We’ve built a reputation of comprehensive treatment, from that first holistic inspection to the follow-up appointment where we make sure the job we did held up.

Don’t start your spring with a threat of discomfort and Lyme Disease. If you think you have ticks in your yard, contact Vermont Pest Control today for a free quote!

Rats vs. Mice: Which is Worse?

Mice vs rats in Vermont - Vermont Pest Control

If you’ve dealt with any species of rodents before, you know what a nuisance they can be. Both rats and mice share similar characteristics, habits, and more but if we had to determine which is “worse”, rats would be the winner! Rats can be visually scarier due to their larger size and can be more aggressive than mice.  Rats are also very smart, and while you wouldn’t think that makes them worse, it does mean that it takes longer to remove a rat infestation from a structure. Both of these rodents can inflict a lot of damage on your home, so it’s important to learn how to differentiate rats from mice. Here at Vermont Pest Control, we want to keep our customers informed of the pest threats they face. To start, we’re here to share all you need to know about the differences between rats and mice.

Rats vs. Mice

Rats and mice are different in a number of ways. The following traits can help set them apart.

  • Rats
    • While they differ between species, rats typically have larger bodies that are about 6–9 inches.
    • Rats have small, hairy ears and larger feet.
    • Their droppings are much bigger than those of mice at 10–20 mm long.
    • Rats produce 3–6 litters a year with up to 10 pups in each litter.
    • Rats are opportunistic feeders that will eat meats, grains, seeds, and much more.

Mice and rats identification in Vermont - Vermont Pest Control

  • Mice
    • Most mice are only 2–4 inches long.
    • Mice typically have larger ears and tails compared to their body size.
    • The droppings mice leave behind have pointed ends and are just 1–2 mm long.
    • Mice are omnivores but mostly feed on seeds, grains, and fruits.
    • They are more prolific: Mice produce 5–10 litters a year with up to 14 mice in each litter.

Signs of Rats and Mice In Your Property

Unlike many types of pests, rodents will make their presence known rather quickly when they infest your property. Some of the most common signs you have rats or mice in your home include foul odors, odd noises, gnaw marks, chewed up nests, burrows or tunnels, and droppings or urine spots. Besides being a nuisance to get rid of, rats and mice alike are dangerous due to their ability to transmit some of the world’s worst diseases. As soon as you spot the signs of rats or mice, it’s crucial to contact your local rodent control company.

How to Identify Rats or Mice

If you think you are dealing with a rodent problem, it’s time to contact the pros at Vermont Pest Control. We are committed to protecting our customers from the dangers of rodents and can help identify the type of rodent you’re dealing with. Contact our rodent control experts today.

Dangerous Droppings: Rodent Poop in the Home

Mouse chewing electrical cord in house

Rat and mouse droppings can look, at first, like small streaks of tracked-in dirt. If it is just dirt brought in off the sole of someone’s shoe, that’s one thing. But what if you find this “dirt” in impossible places, like in your attic or behind your silverware drawer? That is a good indicator that what you’re looking at is actually the leavings of an invading rodent. You may want to dispose of them as soon as possible, but mouse and rat poop can actually be dangerous if mishandled. Vermont Pest Control is here to tell you all about rodent droppings. Read more to learn how to identify them, clean them safely, and who to call to clear out an infestation!

Rat and Mouse Poop: What to Look For

All pests leave some kind of dropping. Learning how to differentiate between them is a great way to get a head start on fighting an infestation. So, what does mouse poop look like? What is the difference between that and rat poop?

The main thing that distinguishes rat and mouse droppings is size. Mouse poop is small and roughly the scale and shape of a grain of rice. They commonly get mistaken for cockroach poop, although roach droppings are more rounded.

Rat poop, on the other hand, is much larger and shaped like a coffee bean or grape. It looks similar to squirrel poop, except their droppings are rounded while rats are blunt at the ends. Squirrel poop will also lighten over time.

Mice tend to pick a specific area to use as a toilet, like behind the spaces where you store food. But if you have rats in the home, you’re likely to find their droppings all over the place. Regardless of the type of rodent, if you find their leavings you need to know how to clean them carefully.

Cleaning Rodent Poop

Rat and mouse poop cannot be cleaned the way you might with any other kind of droppings. Rodent droppings can transfer diseases – specifically Hantavirus, a respiratory illness that is potentially fatal to humans. If you sweep or vacuum infected droppings, you will release the virus into the air. With that being said, how can you safely clean mouse and rat poop?

You’ll need protective gear to cover your hands, eyes and mouth. Soak the contaminated area with bleach or disinfectant and let it sit for five minutes. Then all you have to do is wipe the mess with a paper towel and throw it away. After that, you can clean the area as you usually would.

This is a good way to keep your home cleaner, but it doesn’t get rid of the rodent infestation in your home. To do that, you’ll need professional pest control help.

Vermont Pest Control for Rats and Mice

We know more than most the effect rodent infestations have for homes across Vermont. Rats and mice can infect food supplies and destroy valuable possessions stored in attics, basements and closets. They will chew through insulation and electrical wires, creating a risk of fires. All in all, having a family of rats or mice in the home is stressful and unpleasant, something you want taken care of as soon as possible. That’s where we come in.

At Vermont Pest Control we’re experienced in rodent extermination and control. We’ll remove them from your house, as well as find and take care of the potential entry points they may have taken advantage of. When we’re done, you’ll be pest-free* for the long term. To get started, contact us today!

Dealing with Common Late Summer Pests

An American dog tick

While what we refer to as “pest season” ends in the middle of summer, this doesn’t mean that the late summer season is free of pests entirely. In fact, there are several kinds of pests that thrive in these conditions in Vermont. Preventing these pests for the rest of the summer means making regular efforts to ensure that your property is in inviting them in. To learn about late summer pests and the prevention techniques that our technicians at Vermont Pest Control recommend you use against them, read on!

Pests to Look Out For in Late Summer

Several kinds of critters to just find in the heat and relative aridity of the late summer. These are the pests that we are most often called to deal with in August and September:

  • Ticks: These parasitic arachnids lurk in large numbers in the forests of Vermont. Because they breed in the late spring and early summer, tick numbers are at their highest right about now.
  • Wildlife: If an animal hibernates during the winter, it means that they will be out and about all summer, taking advantage of the favorable conditions. Raccoons, possums, and squirrels commonly cause property damage in the late summer.
  • Bees and wasps: If you host regular outdoor get-togethers or have a habit of leaving food out, you can easily attract bees and wasps, or even incentivize them to build a nearby nest.
  • Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are a tricky pest to deal with because if you don’t prevent their ability to breed, they can stick around in large numbers through the summer and into the fall.

How Can I Prevent Pests in Late Summer?

While we encourage all of our customers to lead with natural, DIY pest prevention, it is important to know that any serious pest infestation should be addressed by a licensed exterminator right away. That said, we advise you to add these measures to your routines to keep late summer pests away:

  1. Seal gaps shut: You could have tiny gaps or cracks in your fencing, roofing, siding, foundation, windows, or doors that you’ve never paid close attention to. These holes could be used as pest entryways, so seal what you can with a silicone-based caulk and install screens where needed.
  2. Be cautious with garbage: Taking out the trash frequently and using sealable outdoor bins will go a long way in preventing bees, wasps, wildlife, and other pests.
  3. Eliminate standing water: Mosquitoes will breed in even the tiniest of standing water pools, so you have to cover or pour it out wherever you find it on your property. Be sure to double-check gutters, planter boxes, and other receptacles.
  4. Do regular yard maintenance: Get rid of grass clippings and leaf piles promptly, trim your trees and shrubs back, and take regular decluttering sweeps to prevent pests from finding hiding places.

Late Summer Pest Control in Vermont

Sometimes you discover a pest infestation before you have the time to do anything about it. If you’re dealing with an outbreak of any kind of pests that’s getting out of hand, let your local pest control company know. Our licensed and certified technicians at Vermont Pest Control can assess your property for the cause of the infestation, quickly handle the pest problem, and teach you how to prevent similar ones going forward. For a free quote, contact us today!

Why Can’t I Keep Ants Out?

Ants on a bathroom floor

Ants are one of the hardest pests to keep out of your home if you’re not taking the right steps to get rid of them. If you’ve had ants in the house before, you know that they’re capable of coming back strong even when you think you’ve gotten rid of all of them. So, what is it that makes ants so persistent?

Because ants come from large and ever-growing colonies, you need to constantly stay on top of your ant prevention measures in order to keep them from hounding your home for resources. Looking for advice on conducting your own ant control? Read on to learn from the experts at Vermont Pest Control!

Why Does My DIY Ant Control Fail?

The problem with the ant control strategies that we usually turn to when we find an infestation is that they fail to address how ants work. Usually, people tell us that they squashed their ants or sprayed them with some sort of chemical ant control solution. These approaches will most likely only delay or worsen your problem. This is because ants release a pheromone signal when they die to warn other ants of an area to avoid. After sensing this, their colony members will change their route into your home. This shouldn’t be a problem for them, because ants are small and sneaky enough to find plenty of different ways inside!

Ant Control Strategies That Really Work

If getting rid of the ant trail in your home won’t fix your problem, what can you do to keep ants out of your home? We recommend taking these three approaches:

  • Find their access point: If you can follow the ant trail in your home back to the point they’re entering your house from, you can block it off with a silicone-based caulk seal, a screen, or whatever the surrounding material calls for.
  • Remove food and water access: Ants are probably trailing into your home because they have found a reliable source of food or moisture. By cleaning up spills, storing your food properly, and keeping your home well-ventilated, you can prevent ants from finding easily accessible nourishment.
  • Team up with a pro: If you can’t trace your ant trail all the way back to its source, a trained ant exterminator can. Getting rid of the anthills on your property is the only way to ensure ants never come back.

Expert Home Ant Extermination in Vermont

If you’re tired of dealing with ants in your house in Vermont, it’s time to team up with your local ant exterminators. The professionals at Vermont Pest Control are familiar with every common ant species in the state. We can find all active nests and colonies on your property, seal off entry points to prevent any further invasion, and teach you how to prevent infestations yourself. For a free quote, contact us today!